Hamura Illumination festival event 2016

Hamura Illumination festival event 2016 Tokyo Hamura city attraction tourist spot Tama Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama はむらイルミネーション 東京都羽村市 イベント 祭り 観光スポット 
Hamura Illumination festival event 2016 Tokyo Hamura city はむらイルミネーション 東京都羽村市


Hamura Illumination festival event has been held at Tokyo Hamura city now !


At Ozaku station of JR Ome line, you would be able to see and visit this illumination (6:00pm - 10:00pm) and also you would be able to see the projection mapping show (7:00pm, 7:30pm, 8:00pm Mon-Thu, 6:00pm, 6:30pm, 7:00pm, 7:30pm, 8:00pm, 8:30pm, 9:00pm Fri-Sun, about 3 minutes show for each time) with free entrance from 8th to 23rd October 2016. 


Let's try to get your favorite pictures or movies there !


Also another events such as hot food festival and dance show, etc would be held so please check the details with official website as below.


Official Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/hamuraillumination/

Hamura city website : http://www.city.hamura.tokyo.jp/0000008139.html


Projection mapping of Hamura Illumination festival event Tokyo Hamura city attraction tourist spot western Tokyo Tama area
Projection mapping of Hamura Illumination festival event Tokyo Hamura city 
"Hamurin" Hamura city's official mascot with Halloween decoration Tokyo Hamura city
"Hamurin" Hamura city's official mascot with Halloween decoration Tokyo Hamura city